Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year my fabulous friends! Jack and I rang in the New Year at home. We had gone over to some friends house on New Years Eve, but wanted to ring it in alone together. It was perfect.
Jack is whisking me away for a few days to celebrate the New Year and my birthday. That's right, I'm 29 and holding! I have no idea where we are going because he's being super secret about it, but don't fret, as soon as we return, you will be (after my Shawn of course) the second ones to know what we did and where we went.
The picture I picked is dedicated to my Sweet Shawn. WE ALL KNOW YOU LOVE YOUR JOCKS...ESPECIALLY FOOTBALL JOCKS! MUAH!
Love you all! Talk with you soon!
New Year,
Shawn Lane,
Shawn's Favorite Men
Friday, December 18, 2009
Gingerbread Houses and Sugar Highs
Yesterday marked the first time I've ever made Gingerbread Houses. It might just be the last time I make them, too! LOL!
Shhh...don't tell anyone, but I was kinda hoping I wouldn't have to make them. I tried to steer the kids away from it saying we could be Rock stars instead. But, I guess Guitar Hero wasn't something they were that interested in doing at the time. They had set their sweet hearts on making Gingerbread houses, so of course we did.
The hardest part was making the walls connect together. Of course, I had to make tons of icing to get it to work. We had a vast array of candies to work with...gum drops, candy canes, peppermints, starburst (I'm never without it) skittles, red hots, Hershey name it, we had it!
The fun of it was how creative they got. The youngest couldn't get the roof to stay on the house, so we just made it look it was craved in from a avalanche. It ended up being my favorite house and by far the messiest.
Of course, we ate more candy than we should have. By the time Jack got home from work we were all hyped up from all of that sugar. He once again, gave us all a hug and a kiss and took us out to eat. He even treated us to ice cream on the way home. It was fabulous.
Today we're headed over to our house. The kids have made us promise to make them a pallet made of quilts, blankets and soft pillows. We're going to all cuddle up together with the worthless dogs and watch Christmas movies all night long, and treat ourselves to and endless supply of popcorn. It really should be fun!
I'm sure our weekend will be busy with entertaining the kids. If I don't see you, have a fabulous weekend and have more fun than you can handle.
See you soon!
Gingerbread Houses,
The Kids,
Worthless Dogs
Thursday, December 17, 2009
If I have to decorate another Christmas Cookie this year I'll...
Jack and I are still watching the kids. We'll have them for several more days, and as many of you know, entertaining children is challenging to say the least.
I got this brilliant idea to bake Christmas cookies.
I love to bake so I thought it would be fun and easy. It was fun, but not so easy.
We had bought some fancy cookie cutters with designs in the middle of them. Candy Canes, Angels, Christmas Trees, Santa, Stars and Reindeer.
I made tons of colored icing and we used toothpicks to decorate them.
Jack wanted us to make enough for him to take to work, so I doubled the recipe. We ended up making 4 dozen cookies! The kids did a fabulous job of decorating and being creative with their designs. They might not be professionals, but they definitely took pride in their creations.
Let me just quickly point out that the picture I posted looks totally different than our creations! Our were fabulously creative and much more colorful!
It took most of the day for us to get it done. By the time we were finished, ALL of us were over it! I swear next year I'm just buying plain cookie cutters next year! Of course, Jack came home after we were!
At least he took us out for Pizza and drove us around to look at Christmas Lights.
Today we're tackling Gingerbread houses...gulp! Am I crazy? Wait don't answer that! Wish me luck!
Christmas Cookies,
Christmas Lights,
The Kids
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Our Christmas Tree
This week Jack and I are babysitting his sister's kids. They had no Christmas Tree, so I came up with the brilliant idea to make one out of beer bottles.
It took some effort and a lot of drinking from all of us, but this is what we created. Isn't it fabulous? The kids have a hangover, but they think it was worth it.
Before you call Child Protective services...just joking! Actually this picture was sent to me in an email. Isn't it a riot? I always wonder who sits around and thinks this stuff up??
Everyone have a fabulous day!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I would have continued reading the series if...
Not too long ago, Shawn and I were talking about how we envisioned some of the heroes in movies and in books, should be with paired up with their sidekick, or male counterpart instead of the heroine.
She emailed me a painting of Captain Kirk and Spock together in this heated embrace.
Earlier, I was looking through images of gay couples when I came across this one starring Hatty Potter. I liked it so much, I decided IF Harry had a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend, then I might have continued to read the series! LOL! I think they look kind of sweet actually, in a young love-teenaged sort of way.
Tonight Jack and I are going to meet some of our Movie and Game night friends for supper. I'm anxious to see some Christmas Lights as we go to and from the restaurant!
Hope everyone else has a fabulous day!
Christmas Lights,
Gay Couples,
Movie and Game Night,
Shawn Lane
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Our Christmas Tree
I thought I would post the Christmas Tree Jack and I decorated. Just kidding! This is actually a tree that my Beautiful BFF saw and took a picture off. Isn't it huge? Can you imagine putting the lights on that bad boy? I'm afraid our tree is much more modest than this one!
Our tree is in between Charlie Brown's and Clark Griswalds. LOL! We do the multi-colored lights and we have tons of decorations we put on it. I bought some really fabulous peppermint lights I put on it from QVC (yes I love the Q) and it makes our tree fabulously unique.
Isn't it funny how soothing a Christmas Tree is? It's not unusual for me to get lost in thought while looking at our tree. I don't know how many times I've watched our tree and it's twinkling lights and fallen asleep. They're totally mesmerizing!
Jack and I always argue about when to take the tree down. I always take it down on January 2nd. Jack thinks it should be taken down before the New Year. I usually win this argument because I'm the one who takes it down. GO ME! LOL!
I've heard of many people taking it down the day after Christmas. That's very practical. I think I'm just too attached to it to take it down so soon! When do you take your tree down? What does your tree look like? What do you like best about your tree?
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Thank you for being Fabulous!
Jack and I had a busy holiday. I spent two days cooking. I don't think I left the kitchen unless it was to let the dogs out or to take a quick bathroom break. Lucky for us, I love to cook! But, by the time I was finished baking pies, casseroles and so on, I can honestly say I was over it!
This is the first year Jack and I had Thanksgiving at our home by ourselves. In the past, we've gone over to his families house, but this year we decided to start our own Thanksgiving Tradition. I have to say that I really enjoyed it.
We still went over to some of our friends house and celebrated a belated Thanksgiving with them. Instead of a big meal, we had dessert and coffee. (tea for me) It was nice to just sit and visit for a while.
Jack wrote a very sweet post on what he is thankful for. There is no way I can be as eloquent as he is, but I will say this year has been a year of ups and downs. It's amazing how much things have changed in our lives just from a year ago. We've had family move away, illness, conflict and other crazy things happen this year. But, we've also had some fabulous things happen this year, too.
Jack and I have formed a stronger bond between us. We've had some trying times, but we have worked through them and come out better and happier than before. Jack has proven time and time again how much he will always be there for me, whether it's good or bad times, he's always supportive and loving. I couldn't ask for a better life partner. We are very lucky to have each other.
When Jack convinced me to join goodreads last year, I admit I was hesitant to do so. Basically, I'm a pretty private person. I've had bad experiences with people in general, just like many other people have. I had no idea by joining a book/reading site that I would become acquainted with and become friends with several of you. I am very thankful for that.
The best surprise was I met my best friend at goodreads! I NEVER in a million years would have thought I would find my kindred spirit there. Shawn has brought many things into my life in which I am most grateful for. She has been my voice of reason and has enabled me to learn to trust again. I will always be thankful for that.
So in hindsight, in many ways this year has been one of the best years I've had in a long time.
So, between Jack, Shawn and my friends online here, thank you for being there for me (us) this year.
Simply put...Thank you for being FABULOUS!
Shawn Lane,
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
M/M Questions Answered...The Next Victim is My Friend, Eyre!
Damn you, Andi! I knew I wasn’t getting out of this one! LOL!
1. Answer all the questions below in either the comments here or post it on your own site. If you post it on your own site, you have to come back and give the link here so I/Kris can mosey on over there and see if you have a Sticky Beak.
2. You have to tag two people once your done and pester them relentlessly until they do the meme too.
3. Instead of the Meme image thing you have to post a cookie, preferably a twofer. It is a M/M meme after all:)
*Rubs hands together with Glee*
1. How long have you been reading GLBTQ fiction? Reading has always been an important outlet in my life. I’ve been reading a variety of genres, GLBT fiction has been one of them I’ve been reading forever.
2. What was the first book you read in this genre? I really don’t remember. One of the first books I read that I liked was With Love by J.L. Langley.
3. Are you out as a reader? We are. Jack and I talk about what we are reading to our friends and family.
4. Ebooks, Print or Both? Both. I prefer ebooks to paperbacks, but we still read paperbacks too.
5. Do you buy directly from the publisher or secondary seller? We buy directly from the publisher.
6. Prove your a book slut. How many books would you say you buy a week? I’m not a book slut. LOL. We read a couple of books a week if we are lucky. Since we read together this takes longer than the average reader because we also discuss what we read as we go along. There are some books we read on our own, too. This still does not qualify me as a book slut. Damn it!
7. Are you a cover, blurb or excerpt buyer? Like everyone else, I simply adore a gorgeous cover. We honestly buy books because of what our friends say about it, or if it is an author that is a favorite of ours. We don’t ‘blind buy’ very much.
8. Yeah, you read reviews, but do you actually take notice of them? I love to read reviews on Goodreads. I don’t necessarily trust the professional review as much. For one thing, I don’t know them, so their opinion doesn’t mean much to me. On Goodreads, there are several people Jack and I trust when it comes to reviews and recommendations.
9. Who's your favorite publisher? Amber Allure from Amber Quill Press
10. What about authors? Your top two only!! That’s so easy! Those who know me know my favorite author is Shawn Lane. Not only is she a very versatile writer, her character’s are interesting and beautifully flawed. I love them! It’s harder to pick my second favorite author because I really like so many. Probably JL Langley.
11. Is there a sub/genre you particularly dislike? I’m not into the BDSM themed books too much. I do like some of Sean Michael’s books with this theme, but not many. I’m not into the Science Fiction thing either.
12. Short or long? *rolls eyes* And no I'm not talking about cocks! I really liked Andi’s answer on this. I think it depends on the author. As a rule, I think I prefer shorter novels.
13. Is there anything that turns you off about m/m or is it all glorious smut to you? Menage based romances, fisting and I don’t like any kind of humiliation some BDSM themed books get off on.
14. Finish this sentence. You know it's M/M two wuv when...he gives over the remote control. LOL!
15. What theme are you heartily sick of in M/M Romances? I HATE MENAGES. I really wish they would just go away.
16. If you could choose any 3 characters for a M/M/M who would they be? *sigh* Must I? If I have to pick I would say: Tyler Curtis (Alec Tyler) from The Curtis Reincarnation, Hell from Heaven Sent Hell and Kevin from Car Wash.
17. What new GLBTQ new release are you most hanging out for right now? My BFF, Shawn Lane has two books coming out in December that I am anxious to read. They’re called Ticket to Ride and The Best Gift. I’ve been hearing about them forever, so I’m ready to read them! We are looking forward to read Andi's book that comes out in December, too.
18. What new GLBTQ book has completely blown you away this year? I loved Car Wash by Shawn Lane. Kevin really is quite delicious! YUM YUM YUM! I also read and loved The Elegant Corpse by A.M Riley, Without Reservations by JL Langley and the Curtis Reincarnation by Zathyn Priest. One of my all time favorite books is Perfect Man by Shawn Lane. Alex and Craig's story will always have a very special place in my heart.
19. What do you think well see more of M/M romance in 2010? Beats the hell out of me! It would be nice to see it become not as taboo to read as it is right now. A lot of people are embarrassed to admit they read romance, so I know people being proud to admit they read GAY romances is out of the question!
20. Don't you agree that Josh Lanyon should just kill off arsehole character Jake Riordan? Nah. Even assholes need love too! LOL.
I’m going to break the rule and just pick one person to do this. I have one other person left I can pick that I follow and actively talk too. I’m actually pretty surprised she hasn’t been picked yet!
Have Fun, Eyre!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I'm Having Withdrawals
I should be resting. I know I'll probably get into trouble for blogging instead of doing as I should, but I thought I would take my chances and say a few words anyway.
This has been an interesting month for Jack and I. Just when we think things are starting to smooth out, both of us have gotten the flu. Grr!
I've been sick for about nine days now. Fever, upset stomach, cough, sore throat and sniffles have been on the agenda at our place.
The really bad thing is I've had to cut down on some of my favorite treats. Sweets aren't good for an upset stomach. I haven't had a Starburst in over a week! Talk about Hell on Earth! Grr! I swear I'm having withdrawals, but Jack and Shawn swear to me that I'll survive. I'M NOT SO SURE!!!!
Lucky for us, we've had some good friends who will leave us food at our doorstep so we are being taken care of. Jack is starting to feel better, but I'm still sick. Of course, I've always been the puny one between the two of us. Damn it.
On the bright side, my Dear Sweet Shawn Lane is posting free updates on some of our favorite heroes that she has written about in the past. This week is Jake and Damian's turn from Jake's Regret. She's posted two of the three installments about them and so far it's been fabulous. If you haven't read Damian's feast check it out here:
I don't know about everyone else, but I simply adore it when we get to read how our favorite characters are doing after everything is said and done. It's always fun to glance into their lives long after their story is over, even if it is a quick. (Hey quickies can be VERY good! :-)
I hope everyone is safe and stays healthy for this upcoming holiday season. I've got to go drown myself by drinking more Mint Tea and some gag worthy Theraflu is in the near future for me. Yum. NOT!
Eye Candy,
Jake's Regret,
Shawn Lane,
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I've been bad
It's been a while since I've blogged. I've had numerous complaints from several of you, because I've been neglecting my time honored duty of blogging at least a few times a week! I'm sorry my friends. I promise to try to do better. :-D
Here's a little Eye Candy as an apology to my friends...isn't he fabulous?!
To be honest, these past couple of months have been hard. I've noticed that it's just not Jack and I that's had a difficult summer. Many of our friends are having troubles this year. I don't know about you, and I know it's only September, but I'm ready for this year to be over. I'm ready to start fresh.
I had pneumonia for over a month. I was beginning to think it was going to be a permanent affliction there for a while, but luckily with Jack's nurturing and Shawn's constant pep talks and hovering, I got over it! Thank God, for them. They are always my truest and most devoted fans. It's good to have someone always on your side, even when things aren't always going the way you want.
Jack and I are planning on moving to Dallas next year. We're both very excited about this. It will be good to reconnect with some old friends, and be return to the place where we really belong.
Thanks for hanging in there with me these past few months my friends. I really promise I'll do better at keeping y'all informed.
Your Friend,
Eye Candy,
Shawn Lane
Saturday, July 25, 2009
It's Been A Very Long Month
So, it's been a month of Sunday's since I've posted anything. I didn't mean to go this long between posts, but I haven't felt up to it.
For the past several weeks, I've been sick. It started out as bronchitis, and it progressed to pneumonia. So, I've been quarantined to the bed or couch, and was told to do as little as possible.
Some day's it's taken a lot for me to even get online because of the little energy I've had. But, I feel better now. I have a Doctor's appointment next week, and I know he'll be telling me that I am on my way to being fabulously healthy once again.
Jack's been a trooper throughout all of this. He doesn't cook, so I've had more than my share of sandwiches and soup out of a can. But, he's brought home some really good take-out, and has hovered over me like a good partner should. He has even, are you ready for this, put dishes in the dishwasher, emptied the dishwasher, did the laundry, swiffered the house and gave the dogs a bath! I KNOW he's ready for me to get back on my feet again. I can tell every time he grumbles as he is doing household chores.
I tease him about it of course just like he deserves!
Today some of our friends are having a Movie and Game night tonight. I've insisted that he go and have some fun tonight. After some persuading, he's agreed to go, although he is reluctant to leave me behind. I told him he needed to have some fun and just be Jack for a while, instead of nursemaid to his partner.
The good thing about him being gone is I'll have total control of the television and computer. GO ME! Unfortunately, there is never anything on television on Saturday night, so I bet I curl up with a book instead. Shawn Lane's new book is being released this weekend, plus Ava March's book was released this week, too! So many fabulous books to read, so little time!
Other than Jack, there has been one other person that is always there for me. She's been my sunshine when I've had some very dark days. I never knew I would be so lucky and blessed to have such a sweet and fabulous friend (sister) in my life. Thank you for being you, Gorgeous, you know I love you. MUAH!
I hope my friends here have a safe and FABULOUS weekend! To thank y'all for hanging in there with me, I thought I would provide some delicious eye candy as well!
Your Friend,
Ava March,
Eye Candy,
Movie and Game Night,
Shawn Lane
Friday, June 19, 2009
Pamper Yourself
Good Morning My Friends!
Jack and I will be leaving in a hour or so, and I wanted to wish all of you a very safe and happy weekend.
Do something for you this weekend. Go do something you love... whether it's reading, going for a walk, relaxing to music or even taking a well deserved nap! We all try so hard to look out for other people's happiness, and in the process we neglect our own needs. Pamper yourself, even if it's just for a hour!
This means you too, Shawn!
I loved the answers to the 31 questions! It's so fabulous to learn about each other, isn't it? We learned that Ava is picky about what she eats, Shawn has handwriting that only a handwriting analyst can love and Shellie can play the piano. Thanks for answering them. It was fun. Maybe we'll get more responses out of some of my other friends on here, too.
Have a FABULOUS weekend everyone!
Your Friend,
31 questions,
Ava March,
Shawn Lane,
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Just for Fun
Today Jack got one of those "Getting to know you" emails from a friend. I watched him fill it out, and thought it might be fun to do it on my blog. You can copy and paste it, and change the answers to make them your own. If not, now you know more about me than you probably actually wanted too! LOL
Jack and I will be going on a mini vacation this weekend. May everyone be safe and have a very happy weekend.
1. What is your first name? Shayne
2. Are you named after anyone? I don’t think so.
3. When did you last cry? A couple of days ago.
4. Do you like your handwriting? Yes, it’s quite swirly…lol
5. What is your favorite lunch meat? Smoked Turkey…YUM!
6. Do you have any children? No, thank God…We’ll just be fabulous Uncles! LOL
7. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Yes.
8. Do you have a journal? Yes, and I write in it daily.
9. Do you still have your tonsils? No, they were taken out when I was young.
10. Would you ever Bungee Jump? Hell No!!! I am afraid of heights!!
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Depends on how tired I am.
12. What is your favorite song at the moment? Don’t dream it’s over by Crowded House
13. Do you think you are a strong person? Yes, but some days I am stronger than others.
14. What is your favorite flavor of Ice Cream? Butter Pecan…so delish!
15. What is the first thing you notice about people? Their smile.
16. What is the least favorite thing you like about yourself? I can be distrustful and close myself
From others.
17. Who do you miss the most? My Mother
18. What color shoes are you wearing? I am wearing thick gray wool socks.
19. What is the last thing you ate? Orange starburst. Last meal was a cheese thin crust pizza.
20. What are you listening to now? You’re the biggest part of me by Ambrosia
21. If you were a crayon, what color would it be? Purple
22. What is your favorite smell? Thanksgiving dinner and bread baking. (I must be
23. Who is the last person you spoke with over the phone? Jack
24. What is your favorite everyday drink? Alcoholic Drink? Iced Tea and Corona with Lime
25. What is your favorite sport to watch? None if I can help it!
26. Do you wear contacts? No, I have very sensitive eyes, so I wear wire rimmed glasses.
27. What is your favorite food? Mexican Food
28. What is your favorite dessert? All dessert is my favorite! LOL
29. What book are you reading? Reckless Seduction by Amanda Young…its okay.
30. What book are you looking forward to reading soon? Sorcerer’s Lover I and II by
Shawn Lane
31. Do you have a special talent? I am a very good cook.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Car Wash
I loved this book so much, I had to say a few words about it.
I am no good at writing reviews. I think I have stated before that I really don’t have any desire to write them. I enjoy reading them too much, plus that is what I keep Jack around for! LOL!
Once in a while I’ll read something that I thoroughly enjoy, and I want to share my pleasure with my friends. Car Wash was one of those books. I am not going to get into the storyline. Our dear friend who needs to write faster, Ava March and our sweet friend Sandy, did such an excellent job, there is no reason to get into the description of the storyline.
I wanted point out that this book moves along quite quickly. The immediate attraction and past connection between Kevin and Michael make the pages practically sizzle off of the computer screen. It’s true our angsty lovin’ Shawn threw both characters a bone on this one. I think she must have felt pity on them because they both had been through so much before they reconnected. There is some conflict, but thankfully it was resolved and Kevin and Michael got the ending they so deserved.
Kevin is such an interesting character. I didn’t know how he was going to come across in his own book, being that I loved him so much in Pulling Away. Between his individual sense of style and his bouncy, but loveable behavior, he is a man after my own heart. He is one of my favorite heroes. What’s funny is that Michael couldn’t be more different than Kevin. Between his no-nonsense attitude and his big old heart of gold, I thought he and Kevin were perfect for one another.
I hope everyone gives this book a shot. Reading Car Wash was a great way to escape into a very romantic and sexy love story for a couple of hours. Plus, the sex was freaking’ HAWT!
Once in a while I’ll read something that I thoroughly enjoy, and I want to share my pleasure with my friends. Car Wash was one of those books. I am not going to get into the storyline. Our dear friend who needs to write faster, Ava March and our sweet friend Sandy, did such an excellent job, there is no reason to get into the description of the storyline.
I wanted point out that this book moves along quite quickly. The immediate attraction and past connection between Kevin and Michael make the pages practically sizzle off of the computer screen. It’s true our angsty lovin’ Shawn threw both characters a bone on this one. I think she must have felt pity on them because they both had been through so much before they reconnected. There is some conflict, but thankfully it was resolved and Kevin and Michael got the ending they so deserved.
Kevin is such an interesting character. I didn’t know how he was going to come across in his own book, being that I loved him so much in Pulling Away. Between his individual sense of style and his bouncy, but loveable behavior, he is a man after my own heart. He is one of my favorite heroes. What’s funny is that Michael couldn’t be more different than Kevin. Between his no-nonsense attitude and his big old heart of gold, I thought he and Kevin were perfect for one another.
I hope everyone gives this book a shot. Reading Car Wash was a great way to escape into a very romantic and sexy love story for a couple of hours. Plus, the sex was freaking’ HAWT!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Quick Days Ahead
Hello my friends,
Weekends always seem to go way too fast. Isn't it strange when we are doing something fun, time seems to rush by, but when we are working or doing something not very pleasant, it drags. Here's hoping that every one's day today flew quickly by.
I've decided in honor of Gay Pride month, every time I post here, I will also post a picture of some very nice eye candy for all of us to enjoy.
I am not one to push my viewpoints down other's throats. It's just not my way. I live a (relatively) quiet life with my partner Jack. We have good friends. We love, we fight, we laugh, and we have cried. Both of us have fought hard to make this relationship work. There are times I know he wants to strangle me in my sleep when I get overly stubborn (imagine that). Just like the times I want to scream my head off when he gets the pushy Alpha thing going, but through love and YEARS of committing to one another, we have found our way through the tough times, and learned to communicate with each other. The determination we have to stay together has outlasted any petty arguments we might have.
We are lucky.
The other day we were out with Brent and Josh at the local bar. We were minding our own business, just relaxing and listening to music. While we were leaving, we had several men say very hurtful and derogatory things to us. Although, I believe we all wanted to stay and be confrontational, we didn't. We left without giving the racist people a second glance.
This of course bothered me. Jack was able to let it slide off of his shoulders more quickly than I was. I know we have come a long way with LGBT acceptance, but I am also smart enough to know that we still have a long way to go.
So my question is, do you think we did the right thing by walking away, or should we have stood our ground? What would you do if you were faced in the same situation?
Thanks for listening. I'll get off of my soapbox
Your Friend,
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Just A Quick Note
We have had a good weekend so far. Jack and I went to several Yard Sales yesterday which was fun, and did most of our running around yesterday.
Today is a day just for us. No family or friends, just quality time together.
We plan on reading, listening to some good music and just enjoying one another's company. It's always good to connect with our loved ones, isn't it?
I just wanted to write a quick note to my friends here and say that I hope everyone has safe and happy weekend.
Your Friend,
Sunday, May 31, 2009
We had a good weekend. Jack and I went to Brent and Josh's movie and game night yesterday. There was much fun, laughter and visiting to be had at Brent and Josh's shindig. Always is. Funny thing is, I am never that excited to go. I am more of a homebody than anything. But, Jack is usually insistent, and being the faithful and loving partner I am, I relent almost every time. Plus, after the month he has had, I thought he needed to let that gorgeous hair down and have some fun. He did and I had fun (Sometimes it pays to be the designated
Today Jack has been recovering from his trip to margaritaville. We have done some reading, we grilled out and just enjoyed one another overall. Life is good.
By reading some other blogs it seems like May has been a blah month for most people. Even some of my friends have struggled with some life issues recently.
I think we all need a vacation. My dear friend is going to Vegas this Friday. Lucky her! Even being the homebody that I am, I am ready for something new. We have been talking about going on a cruise soon. Frankly, I am ready to get out of dodge for a while. I have been thinking about where I would like to go, if I had the chance.
I think I would one day love to go to Europe. My problem is I am afraid to fly, so that leaves that out. Hawaii would be another place I would love to go. Again, flying...dammit!
I would like to go to Vegas maybe next year. It's such a trip for us. (I am to blame of course) we don't get to go like we would like. Oh well. Such is life. I honestly, don't care where we go as long as we go. I am ready for a change of scenery. How about you? Where are y'all hankering to go on vacation this summer?
I hope everyone has a safe and happy week ahead.
Today Jack has been recovering from his trip to margaritaville. We have done some reading, we grilled out and just enjoyed one another overall. Life is good.
By reading some other blogs it seems like May has been a blah month for most people. Even some of my friends have struggled with some life issues recently.
I think we all need a vacation. My dear friend is going to Vegas this Friday. Lucky her! Even being the homebody that I am, I am ready for something new. We have been talking about going on a cruise soon. Frankly, I am ready to get out of dodge for a while. I have been thinking about where I would like to go, if I had the chance.
I think I would one day love to go to Europe. My problem is I am afraid to fly, so that leaves that out. Hawaii would be another place I would love to go. Again, flying...dammit!
I would like to go to Vegas maybe next year. It's such a trip for us. (I am to blame of course) we don't get to go like we would like. Oh well. Such is life. I honestly, don't care where we go as long as we go. I am ready for a change of scenery. How about you? Where are y'all hankering to go on vacation this summer?
I hope everyone has a safe and happy week ahead.
Brent and Joshua,
Movie and Game Night,
Shawn Lane,
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Thank You
Today was a good day today. I sent Jack off to work, did TONS of laundry and read most of the day. Actually, it was Heaven compared to some of the days we have had this past week.
My partner's Father suffered a heart attack several days ago. We have spent many days and nights in the hospital, offering and receiving comfort and support from our loved ones. We are so lucky because Jack's father is recovering and will be going home tomorrow.
The possible loss if our loved one has made me make a decision to appreciate the people who are in our lives. We often take those we love for granted. I have decided not to do that any longer.
For those of you who follow this blog (I still can't get over I want you all to know how much I appreciate you and all of the comments and joy you bring me in my everyday life.
Thanks to every one of you for being such great friends...particularly Shawn, you have been a happy surprise in my life and one of the best friends I could ever have asked for, you know I love you.
My partner's Father suffered a heart attack several days ago. We have spent many days and nights in the hospital, offering and receiving comfort and support from our loved ones. We are so lucky because Jack's father is recovering and will be going home tomorrow.
The possible loss if our loved one has made me make a decision to appreciate the people who are in our lives. We often take those we love for granted. I have decided not to do that any longer.
For those of you who follow this blog (I still can't get over I want you all to know how much I appreciate you and all of the comments and joy you bring me in my everyday life.
Thanks to every one of you for being such great friends...particularly Shawn, you have been a happy surprise in my life and one of the best friends I could ever have asked for, you know I love you.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I Need A Hero
I just read the post, Why some books resonate more than others by my very good friend Shawn Lane. Not only did she have some very valid points about how we as readers feel about the stories we have read, it got me to thinking...oh no!
I know as a reader, I have to relate to the main characters in some way. Now, yes it's not easy to relate to a blue alien from the planet Zelfar, but I can say that I look for a way to emotionally connect with that character while I am reading that book. Whether it is the hero or the villain, they somehow have to move me in a way, good or bad, for them to make an impression on me.
It's interesting to me to find out what my fellow friends and readers look for in a hero. What makes a hero worth liking? What attracts us to them? Is it how they look? The job they have? How much money they have or don't have? Their live experiences? Or how they look at life and love in general...and so on.
What I find fascinating is as a primarily homoerotic reader, many of the heroes are usually very buff, tall, alpha men. I can tell you that yes, there are many alpha gay men out there. (Jack is a wonderful example of that) There are many gay men out there, that if you didn't know they were gay, you wouldn't. (I don't personally believe in the gaydar thing very much)
I honestly like my heroes to be different. They don't have to be physically perfect for me to become attracted to them as a reader. But, I also know that we are dealing with fantasy here, and not everyone wants to read about a tortured hero, or a man who has some physical defect of some kind. I understand that, too.
Then there are the more flamboyant gay heroes. Too me, and I might be upsetting people here, is more of a realistic gay hero. Yes, not all gay men are colorful and flamboyant, but they are out there. This is where I love that Opposite Attract storyline... the buff hero loves the flamboyant man. This is more common in the real world than not. I am living proof of that one, too.
Since I think most gay romances are written for women, I understand why the perfect man wins most every time. Hell, I used to read straight romances for years, and I too love them. I just like a little variety in life, too.
What kind of heroes do you as a reader do you find most attractive? I love them all. (especially if they have long hair) LOL
What are some of you favorite story lines? May/December, Opposites Attract, Gay for you, Menage...etc?
As a reader I think we are very blessed to have so many talented authors out there, to open us to new possibilities and to soothe us with the old ones.
Check out my friend Shawn Lane's blog at:
She's the one who got me onto this topic. Which I haven't decided was a good thing or
I know as a reader, I have to relate to the main characters in some way. Now, yes it's not easy to relate to a blue alien from the planet Zelfar, but I can say that I look for a way to emotionally connect with that character while I am reading that book. Whether it is the hero or the villain, they somehow have to move me in a way, good or bad, for them to make an impression on me.
It's interesting to me to find out what my fellow friends and readers look for in a hero. What makes a hero worth liking? What attracts us to them? Is it how they look? The job they have? How much money they have or don't have? Their live experiences? Or how they look at life and love in general...and so on.
What I find fascinating is as a primarily homoerotic reader, many of the heroes are usually very buff, tall, alpha men. I can tell you that yes, there are many alpha gay men out there. (Jack is a wonderful example of that) There are many gay men out there, that if you didn't know they were gay, you wouldn't. (I don't personally believe in the gaydar thing very much)
I honestly like my heroes to be different. They don't have to be physically perfect for me to become attracted to them as a reader. But, I also know that we are dealing with fantasy here, and not everyone wants to read about a tortured hero, or a man who has some physical defect of some kind. I understand that, too.
Then there are the more flamboyant gay heroes. Too me, and I might be upsetting people here, is more of a realistic gay hero. Yes, not all gay men are colorful and flamboyant, but they are out there. This is where I love that Opposite Attract storyline... the buff hero loves the flamboyant man. This is more common in the real world than not. I am living proof of that one, too.
Since I think most gay romances are written for women, I understand why the perfect man wins most every time. Hell, I used to read straight romances for years, and I too love them. I just like a little variety in life, too.
What kind of heroes do you as a reader do you find most attractive? I love them all. (especially if they have long hair) LOL
What are some of you favorite story lines? May/December, Opposites Attract, Gay for you, Menage...etc?
As a reader I think we are very blessed to have so many talented authors out there, to open us to new possibilities and to soothe us with the old ones.
Check out my friend Shawn Lane's blog at:
She's the one who got me onto this topic. Which I haven't decided was a good thing or
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Yesterday, Jack and I went over to some of our friends house. Every month or so, our friends Karen and Toby, have a get together at their home. There are always several of our friends that attend, so we always have a great time.
Movie and game night usually means potluck. Jack and I brought our famous cheeseball and barbeque ribs, and since everyone else brought their favorites, we all ate like kings, talked through the movies they had rented, and played a cut throat game of
Today, has been relatively quiet. Jack has been napping all day, which leave me lost in my own thoughts. (not always a good I have been thinking about the different kinds of friendships we have in our lives.
There are work friends. Work friends are work. I admit I have a couple of work friends I will hang out with (some) outside of work, but most of the time, once I clock out, I don't speak with any of them until the next work day. If I quit, usually the friendship is over just like the job.
Jack and I have mutual friends. Jack and I are different. I can be more outrageous and loud at times, but basically I am a pretty shy person. Especially, if I don't know the people I am around. Jack on the other hand, is very outgoing. He is comfortable in his own skin and people seem to gravitate around him. He is beautiful inside as well as outside. and others recognize and appreciate that beauty.
When we hang out with mutual friends, usually they are Jack's friends that I have gotten to know, or/and I get along with their partner or spouse and we hang out and like one another. They are fun to be with and are pretty much a staple in our lives.
There aren't many friends I have on my own. I have a best friend from school, Pam, that we call and talk with one another. We know both of our secrets and the struggles we had during our younger years, so we have that in common. There is something about childhood friends, that can't ever be replaced. They know you in ways others never do. They are around you while you are finding yourself and your place in the world. I guess that is why I always think Pam will know and understand me like no other.
I think I mentioned that Jack is the one who has encouraged me to branch out online. In doing so, I have an internet (best) friend. Funny, how that happens. When I got online I never expected to connect with another person, but I have. I find myself telling my friend things I don't tell others. For some reason, I trust this person not to hurt me. It amazes me how much we have in common. I find myself worrying about my friends well being, I am excited to see how my friends day has gone, and she has become important in my everyday life.
It's funny how friends come and go. I wonder why we let go of some people's friendship so easily and move onto others. I know we grow and change, but how come we don't try to stay connected with the people we invested time with?
Movie and game night usually means potluck. Jack and I brought our famous cheeseball and barbeque ribs, and since everyone else brought their favorites, we all ate like kings, talked through the movies they had rented, and played a cut throat game of
Today, has been relatively quiet. Jack has been napping all day, which leave me lost in my own thoughts. (not always a good I have been thinking about the different kinds of friendships we have in our lives.
There are work friends. Work friends are work. I admit I have a couple of work friends I will hang out with (some) outside of work, but most of the time, once I clock out, I don't speak with any of them until the next work day. If I quit, usually the friendship is over just like the job.
Jack and I have mutual friends. Jack and I are different. I can be more outrageous and loud at times, but basically I am a pretty shy person. Especially, if I don't know the people I am around. Jack on the other hand, is very outgoing. He is comfortable in his own skin and people seem to gravitate around him. He is beautiful inside as well as outside. and others recognize and appreciate that beauty.
When we hang out with mutual friends, usually they are Jack's friends that I have gotten to know, or/and I get along with their partner or spouse and we hang out and like one another. They are fun to be with and are pretty much a staple in our lives.
There aren't many friends I have on my own. I have a best friend from school, Pam, that we call and talk with one another. We know both of our secrets and the struggles we had during our younger years, so we have that in common. There is something about childhood friends, that can't ever be replaced. They know you in ways others never do. They are around you while you are finding yourself and your place in the world. I guess that is why I always think Pam will know and understand me like no other.
I think I mentioned that Jack is the one who has encouraged me to branch out online. In doing so, I have an internet (best) friend. Funny, how that happens. When I got online I never expected to connect with another person, but I have. I find myself telling my friend things I don't tell others. For some reason, I trust this person not to hurt me. It amazes me how much we have in common. I find myself worrying about my friends well being, I am excited to see how my friends day has gone, and she has become important in my everyday life.
It's funny how friends come and go. I wonder why we let go of some people's friendship so easily and move onto others. I know we grow and change, but how come we don't try to stay connected with the people we invested time with?
Karen and Toby,
Movie and Game Night,
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Reading brings people together
I had a very busy weekend. It was filled with ballgames, friends popping in unexpectedly and lazing around outside enjoying the beautiful weather.
I read the book The Squire by my friend, Shawn Lane. Which I loved. (I am even thinking about reviewing it on goodreads) Those who love homoerotic romances The Squire is a must read! It's a very short story, but ohhh soooo fulfilling!
I have been thinking about EH's post about connecting with others. I know there are some that might be interested in how Jack and I read together. In some ways, we have always done it together. At first, it was a magazine article or maybe an interesting story in the newspaper. It has gradually worked itself up to books.
We literally read the book together. Most of the time it is out loud to one another, then we talk about what we just read. This takes time, but between the interesting conversation we have about the book, to usually being turned on by some of the things we have read, it works for us. There are days we read more than others. Depending on our mood. But, it does keep us connected and it helps us talk about more than the everyday humdrum of life.
There are times where we want to read different things, and that is okay too. Now he is reading a menage based book, (I hate menages) so I am reading what I want. BUT, we are still discussing what we read, so we stay connected.
I read the book The Squire by my friend, Shawn Lane. Which I loved. (I am even thinking about reviewing it on goodreads) Those who love homoerotic romances The Squire is a must read! It's a very short story, but ohhh soooo fulfilling!
I have been thinking about EH's post about connecting with others. I know there are some that might be interested in how Jack and I read together. In some ways, we have always done it together. At first, it was a magazine article or maybe an interesting story in the newspaper. It has gradually worked itself up to books.
We literally read the book together. Most of the time it is out loud to one another, then we talk about what we just read. This takes time, but between the interesting conversation we have about the book, to usually being turned on by some of the things we have read, it works for us. There are days we read more than others. Depending on our mood. But, it does keep us connected and it helps us talk about more than the everyday humdrum of life.
There are times where we want to read different things, and that is okay too. Now he is reading a menage based book, (I hate menages) so I am reading what I want. BUT, we are still discussing what we read, so we stay connected.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Am I a Slacker or just Chicken?
Well, I didn't disappoint my co-workers today. I broke my "arrive early to work" streak and ended up showing up late. Again!
I don't know why I am late for everything. My partner says that I will be late for my own funeral. I am afraid he might be right.
Other than being late it was a pretty decent day today. My co-workers keep copying the song Car Wash and hiding it all in my cubicle. I think that is hilarious! So, I decided not to disappoint them and I keep humming it whenever I can.
When I told Jack this, he said, "Either all of you are really bored at work or you have too much time on you hands."
This got me to thinking.
How many people are unhappy at their jobs? I don't hate my job. I show up, (late) I do my work, socialize with my co-workers and go home. Do I love it? No. Do I like it? Depends on the day.
When I was young I wanted to be an artist. Why did I give up on that idea? Why do any of us stop following our dreams? Is it parental pressure, peer pressure or fear that makes some of us not pursue what we would love.
I admire people who do what they love. My friend, Shawn, loves to write. She is fabulous at what she does, and had enough faith in herself to follow her dream. I find that amazing. I envy her determination to do what she loves. That's just awesome!
Jack is another example of having a job he loves. He is an accountant, and he loves numbers. He enjoys going to work everyday and rarely has a negative attitude about his job in general. That fascinates me to some degree. I rarely go a day without bitching about
On a very positive note, we finished the book Bound by Deception by Ava March. Both Jack and I loved it. It's a historical homoerotic romance. We were excited to read it because there aren't that many gay romances written in that time period.
I loved her main characters, Oliver and Vincent. Between their obvious feelings for one another and the passionate sex they had, they fogged up our computer screen! Plus, the book ended on a positive note, (which I loved) and what's even better the sequel to their story is coming out next week. (I love that even more!)
There are many fabulous reviews on this book on the goodreads site. I encourage anyone who loves gay romances to check her book out.
Goodnight and Have Happy Dreams,
I don't know why I am late for everything. My partner says that I will be late for my own funeral. I am afraid he might be right.
Other than being late it was a pretty decent day today. My co-workers keep copying the song Car Wash and hiding it all in my cubicle. I think that is hilarious! So, I decided not to disappoint them and I keep humming it whenever I can.
When I told Jack this, he said, "Either all of you are really bored at work or you have too much time on you hands."
This got me to thinking.
How many people are unhappy at their jobs? I don't hate my job. I show up, (late) I do my work, socialize with my co-workers and go home. Do I love it? No. Do I like it? Depends on the day.
When I was young I wanted to be an artist. Why did I give up on that idea? Why do any of us stop following our dreams? Is it parental pressure, peer pressure or fear that makes some of us not pursue what we would love.
I admire people who do what they love. My friend, Shawn, loves to write. She is fabulous at what she does, and had enough faith in herself to follow her dream. I find that amazing. I envy her determination to do what she loves. That's just awesome!
Jack is another example of having a job he loves. He is an accountant, and he loves numbers. He enjoys going to work everyday and rarely has a negative attitude about his job in general. That fascinates me to some degree. I rarely go a day without bitching about
On a very positive note, we finished the book Bound by Deception by Ava March. Both Jack and I loved it. It's a historical homoerotic romance. We were excited to read it because there aren't that many gay romances written in that time period.
I loved her main characters, Oliver and Vincent. Between their obvious feelings for one another and the passionate sex they had, they fogged up our computer screen! Plus, the book ended on a positive note, (which I loved) and what's even better the sequel to their story is coming out next week. (I love that even more!)
There are many fabulous reviews on this book on the goodreads site. I encourage anyone who loves gay romances to check her book out.
Goodnight and Have Happy Dreams,
Ava March,
Bound by Deception,
Car Wash,
Shawn Lane
Monday, April 20, 2009
Holy Shit, I Have Followers?!
Today has been a good day. I wasn't late for work this morning which was a miracle within itself. I am always notoriously late on Mondays. But, for some odd reason, I woke up on time and was in a fabulous mood. This is a rare occasion for me, because I am so NOT a morning person. Especially a MONDAY morning person!
Yesterday, I had been communicating with my dear friend, Shawn Lane, and she had graciously told me about an upcoming book called Car Wash, that is about to be released. Needless to say, I am anxiously awaiting it's release, but for some damn reason the 70's song Car Wash by Rose Royce has stuck in my head. Of course, I have sang it all day long. It has driven my co-workers crazy! One of them tried to bribe me with M&M'S to stop, and quite frankly I found that insulting. For one thing I hate M&M'S (especially the plain ones...yuck!) and another, if she had been serious she knows that I am a skittles and starburst addict, so she could have offered those.
Needless to say, by the end of the day either my co-workers wanted to kill me or were singing it themselves! (Those who were old enough to remember the damn
It's not my fault. I am innocent. I blame everything on Shawn Lane!
Tonight we went to a late supper with Brent and Joshua. Even though it was a late night supper, the restaurant was filled. I was starving when we got there, but by the time we got our food I had somehow lost my appetite. We had a nice time, but suddenly I felt tired and I just wanted to go home. I wanted to change into my comfy flannel pants and old t-shirt and just relax. I think Jack must have felt the same way too, because we really didn't stay out long.
Funny though, once I got home I got a second wind, and here I am probably not making any sense whatsoever on this blog tonight, while Jack is out like a log dreaming of plain M&M's I am sure.
Holy shit, I can't believe I have 3 followers! That is so cool! I feel like a freakin' Rock Star! Woo Hoo!
We didn't get any reading done tonight. I told Jack we must read some tomorrow! It connects us somehow. I can't explain it, but it does. It's good to do things together.
Well, I must get my beauty sleep, or at least try too.
Goodnight Sweethearts,
Yesterday, I had been communicating with my dear friend, Shawn Lane, and she had graciously told me about an upcoming book called Car Wash, that is about to be released. Needless to say, I am anxiously awaiting it's release, but for some damn reason the 70's song Car Wash by Rose Royce has stuck in my head. Of course, I have sang it all day long. It has driven my co-workers crazy! One of them tried to bribe me with M&M'S to stop, and quite frankly I found that insulting. For one thing I hate M&M'S (especially the plain ones...yuck!) and another, if she had been serious she knows that I am a skittles and starburst addict, so she could have offered those.
Needless to say, by the end of the day either my co-workers wanted to kill me or were singing it themselves! (Those who were old enough to remember the damn
It's not my fault. I am innocent. I blame everything on Shawn Lane!
Tonight we went to a late supper with Brent and Joshua. Even though it was a late night supper, the restaurant was filled. I was starving when we got there, but by the time we got our food I had somehow lost my appetite. We had a nice time, but suddenly I felt tired and I just wanted to go home. I wanted to change into my comfy flannel pants and old t-shirt and just relax. I think Jack must have felt the same way too, because we really didn't stay out long.
Funny though, once I got home I got a second wind, and here I am probably not making any sense whatsoever on this blog tonight, while Jack is out like a log dreaming of plain M&M's I am sure.
Holy shit, I can't believe I have 3 followers! That is so cool! I feel like a freakin' Rock Star! Woo Hoo!
We didn't get any reading done tonight. I told Jack we must read some tomorrow! It connects us somehow. I can't explain it, but it does. It's good to do things together.
Well, I must get my beauty sleep, or at least try too.
Goodnight Sweethearts,
Sunday, April 19, 2009
In the beginning...
Well, I gave into pressure and started my own blog. Why anyone would follow me, would be a mystery to me, but my life partner, Jack, thinks this will be a positive way to vent. Although, he has no blog, so WTF?!
Today, we had a last minute get together with family. Of course, I was being my manic self. It's hard to make sure things go smoothly and for everyone to be happy. I have somehow made this my responsibility, and through no fault of Jack's, he is always calm as a cucumber.
Jack is always that way. As I start wigging out, Jack starts getting calmer. He soothes me. Otherwise, I would be more high-strung than I
Anyway, the get together consisted of Jack's parents, his sister and her husband and their kids. We had fun playing Rock Band with our niece and nephew, of course they insisted I be the singer. Why I have no idea. I can't sing worth a shit, but I gave it my best. After a few cocktails, I am sure my performance out did any Mariah Carey concert!!!
Everything went well and we had fun. Jack's family has always opened their hearts to me. Even when it wasn't as accepted to be gay. I guess that is why Jack is the spectacular man he is.
Speaking of a spectacular man, I need to call it a night. Work tomorrow. That sucks!
Today, we had a last minute get together with family. Of course, I was being my manic self. It's hard to make sure things go smoothly and for everyone to be happy. I have somehow made this my responsibility, and through no fault of Jack's, he is always calm as a cucumber.
Jack is always that way. As I start wigging out, Jack starts getting calmer. He soothes me. Otherwise, I would be more high-strung than I
Anyway, the get together consisted of Jack's parents, his sister and her husband and their kids. We had fun playing Rock Band with our niece and nephew, of course they insisted I be the singer. Why I have no idea. I can't sing worth a shit, but I gave it my best. After a few cocktails, I am sure my performance out did any Mariah Carey concert!!!
Everything went well and we had fun. Jack's family has always opened their hearts to me. Even when it wasn't as accepted to be gay. I guess that is why Jack is the spectacular man he is.
Speaking of a spectacular man, I need to call it a night. Work tomorrow. That sucks!
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