Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Our Christmas Tree

This week Jack and I are babysitting his sister's kids. They had no Christmas Tree, so I came up with the brilliant idea to make one out of beer bottles.
It took some effort and a lot of drinking from all of us, but this is what we created. Isn't it fabulous? The kids have a hangover, but they think it was worth it.

Before you call Child Protective services...just joking! Actually this picture was sent to me in an email. Isn't it a riot? I always wonder who sits around and thinks this stuff up??

Everyone have a fabulous day!


  1. LOL, you'd be a very popular Uncle if that was your tree! It's amazing the stuff that gets sent around on emails.

    Have a great day Shayne :)

  2. You and your Christmas tree pics, lol

  3. ROFL! You are too much!

  4. This post hits the spot Shayne - Thanks..


  5. LMAO!!

    I wonder, too, who sits around and thinks of stuff like this. That had to take some serious dedication to build that tree.

  6. LMAO! THAT IS AWESOME! Shayne your a riot! Have a great day

  7. LMAO! I love the way you think, Babe!

  8. LMAO!

    That's one way to have fun with the kiddies! In some strange way I think this tree is kinda cool. How they thought of it I'll never know!

  9. LMAO! That is so cool! I know some friends who would try that one out in a heartbeat!

  10. I wonder how many beers it took to make it? LOL!
    Drew why am I not surprised you have friends who would love to try it out! COLLEGE MAN! Not that you would participate or anything!!! ;-)

    Shawn you know how much I love to decorate! Are you saying I have too many Christmas trees?

  11. This is SO cool! I love it! Thanks for sharing! Happy Holidays!
