Sunday, May 31, 2009

We had a good weekend. Jack and I went to Brent and Josh's movie and game night yesterday. There was much fun, laughter and visiting to be had at Brent and Josh's shindig. Always is. Funny thing is, I am never that excited to go. I am more of a homebody than anything. But, Jack is usually insistent, and being the faithful and loving partner I am, I relent almost every time. Plus, after the month he has had, I thought he needed to let that gorgeous hair down and have some fun. He did and I had fun (Sometimes it pays to be the designated

Today Jack has been recovering from his trip to margaritaville. We have done some reading, we grilled out and just enjoyed one another overall. Life is good.

By reading some other blogs it seems like May has been a blah month for most people. Even some of my friends have struggled with some life issues recently.

I think we all need a vacation. My dear friend is going to Vegas this Friday. Lucky her! Even being the homebody that I am, I am ready for something new. We have been talking about going on a cruise soon. Frankly, I am ready to get out of dodge for a while. I have been thinking about where I would like to go, if I had the chance.

I think I would one day love to go to Europe. My problem is I am afraid to fly, so that leaves that out. Hawaii would be another place I would love to go. Again, flying...dammit!

I would like to go to Vegas maybe next year. It's such a trip for us. (I am to blame of course) we don't get to go like we would like. Oh well. Such is life. I honestly, don't care where we go as long as we go. I am ready for a change of scenery. How about you? Where are y'all hankering to go on vacation this summer?

I hope everyone has a safe and happy week ahead.




  1. I've been to a lot of places over the years. I've been to Ireland, Germany and Austria. We had a great time. You'd love it, Shay. I'm not thrilled with flying either but I know there's no chance of getting to see these places without it. Hawaii is paradise. I went there too.

    One place I haven't made it but would love to is New England. I'd love to take one of their New England cruises there. They have them and we've thought about it but there is never enough time or money. Plus my dad was from Boston and I've always been curious. Oh, well. Maybe some day, right?

    Glad you had a good weekend.

  2. I haven't traveled much, but my hubby and I went on a 7 day cruise a couple years ago and we're dying to go on another! The food is incredible, and you have so many choices! Plus, you can choose to pack your days full of activities, or just sit by the pool with a good book.

    Hope you get a vacation soon!

  3. I agree, Becky! I love to cruise, too. Where did you go? We are thinking either Alaska or Bahamas.

    Shawn sweetie, you have been everywhere! You need to see VB one day! LOL!

  4. It's true I have been lots of places. You have no idea! LOL I'd love to see Virginia Beach some day! You guys would have to show me around LOL

  5. We would show you a very good time! Even PD would enjoy himself. We'll make him Mac and

  6. Um, Shay, sweetie, how can you cruise to Alaska from VB? Jack won't want to drive all the way to the State of Washington just to get on the ship!

  7. Shayne,
    I am on medical vacation (leave) does that have to count?
    At the end of August Chris and I are planning on going to either Dallas or Houston. We're ready to get out of Dodge, too!
    Movie and Game night looks like fun. It's good tha you have such nice friends;)
