Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Have a Fabulous Halloween

When I noticed how long it's been since I've last blogged, I was a little surprised and then I was even more surprised that I still had followers! LOL! I'm sorry it's been a long time since I've been around. To say that I've had a sucky year is an understatement. I won't bore all of you with the details but I will tell you I'm trying to get myself back to normal. It's just a shitty and hard road getting there.

Handsome and I watched the kids for a while this past weekend. We carved pumpkins and had a good time. They didn't stay the night but they are hinting at it next weekend. We'll see. We won't be doing our normal Halloween party this year either. Handsome and I are going to have a scary movie fest this weekend complete with lots of junk food. I'm sure we'll have some trick or treaters and that will be fabulously fun to see all of the kids dressed up this Halloween.

Everyone have a fabulous Halloween this year!