Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What a week we've had!

This has been an interesting week!

Jack has been sick, but as of this morning is feeling much better and will be returning to work. GO HIM! I think he's been getting stir crazy staying in bed, but I WILL share that he enjoys the constant hovering he's received by me. LOL!

Our Ava March's Vampire/Historical book, From Afar, was released yesterday. Jack and I have bought our copy and we are both very excited to read it! We plan on indulging with Ms. Ava's sexy romance this weekend. Congrats to MS. Ava on what's sure to be a very successful series and new release!

I've just read that Eyre's BFF's sister-in-law's, niece (Eyre I hope I got that right) is having a radical surgery done to help her with seizures. Lets keep this brave young lady in our good thoughts. Hopefully, our Eyre will keep us all informed of her progress.

Now... LAST but NOT LEAST, The Fabulous Shawn Lane has a new friend, Ashtyn Long. (Can you say YUM?) He's found out that we've all been perving on him, and that the fabulous Shawn Lane has based a hero on him and he's apparently tickled about it. GO SHAWN! She is going to get to interview this very bright and gorgeous young man in March, and being the gracious and fabulous person she is, she's allowing us to all participate by coming up with some interesting questions to ask him. Apparently, he's cool enough to answer almost anything, and I don't know about YOU...but I'm thinking of questions to ask him as we speak!

Here we are on Wednesday and the week has been a very interesting one so far! I can't wait to see what happens next!

Have a fabulous week! MUAH!


  1. I'm glad to hear Jack's feeling better.

    I can't wait to read From Afar. I just recently read Object of His Desire and really liked it.

    Have a great week!!

  2. Go Jack! Glad he's feeling better.

    I already read From Afar (critique partner privileges), :D

    Have a good rest of the week, my bff

  3. I'm sure your dedicated constant hovering is the reason why Jack is feeling better today :) Go Shayne!

    Thanks for the congrats! ((hugs))

  4. Yay! I'm glad Jack is much better. I knew he still felt pretty bad a couple of days ago.
    I know the TLC you've given him has made him feel much better!
    You're going to love Ava's book! I read it last night and it was great!
    Like you, I can't wait until Shawn interviews Ashtyn. I've been thinking of some questions myself.
    We'll pray for Eyre's friend, too. It's already been a hard year for a lot of people.
    Have a great week. *Hugs*

  5. Sweetie, I'm so happy to hear that Jack is feeling better. I know all your TLC has helped.

    Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for my BFF's family. I'll post an update over at my place as soon as I hear any details.

  6. If anyone can make a angel look sexy, it's Ashtyn.

    It's good Jack is feeling better. It's good to be pampered by your partner when your feeling bad. He'll miss that now that he's well.

    Kudos to Ava and Shawn! I'm going to read Ava's book soon and I'm super excited for Shawn.

    We'll keep Eyre's BFF's family in our prayers tonight.

    Take it easy and have a good week.
